
A woman pouring a drink into a glass during a Jr promotions event in Western Cape.


JR promotions has been running these courvosier activations from thebeginning of June in High end outlets to introduce the new branding ofCourvoisier. We have been using different mixers (Fitch and Leedes Grapefruit tonic)finished off with a slice of lemon. Courvoisier, a cognac house like no other. Built by four families andspanning three cultural cities, the […]

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A woman holding a phone with the words "brand ambassador" on it in Jr promotions western cape.

What does a Brand Ambassador do? What is a Brand Ambassador?

[Keywords] Brand ambassadors, hostessing and admin staff Brand ambassadors are people who promote products. These celebrities lend their support and names to businesses and non-profits in order to increase brand awareness and sales. However, this is not the only group of brand ambassadors. Brand ambassadors are not just headline news. They are advocates for your brand. They will

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The Jr promotions logo for Ok Ja in Western Cape.


Simple, natural, delicious oat milk that’ll make yousavor every sip! Enjoy a rich & creamy barista-style oat milk with Okja Oat Milk. Jr Promotion has been working with OKJA for the past couple of months. This exciting new brand was launchedin 2020. Not only do they offer the original Oat milk flavour, but two other variants Coffee and Choco whichconsumers are

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